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'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!

$90.00 - $200.00


what is sexier than community support coupled with one-of-a-kind handmade sterling silver hearts? objectively nothing.

donating 100% of the proceeds from these pendants to the following fundraisers:

1. Emergency support for the Maqat Family in Gaza. (

2. Support for Kamerin & family. (

I am committed to making at least 20 juicy little solid sterling silver heart pendants (made from recycled sterling & fine silver! a couple of them with brass accents!) where i donate ALL the proceeds! Each pendant available on a sliding scale between $90-$150.

I hope you guys love these hearts as much as I do, and we can keep them coming and the donations flowing.

UPDATE: first batch (pictured) and second batch have sold; third batch being made this weekend (2/9), order now to guarantee one / get first pick on the next batch!


NOTE: chain sold separately and not apart of the fundraiser; proceeds from chain are not donated.

  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!
  • Image of 'Community Hearts' Fundraiser!